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1. tang, q. and d. p. lettenmaier, 2010. use of satellite snow-cover data for streamflow prediction in the feather river basin, california. international journal of remote sensing, 31, 3745-3762.

2. tang, q., m. durand, d. p. lettenmaier, and y. hong, 2010. satellite-based observations of hydrological processes. international journal of remote sensing, 31, 3661-3667.

3. tang, q., h. gao, p. yeh, t. oki, f. su, and d. p. lettenmaier, 2010. dynamics of terrestrial water storage change from satellite and surface observations and modeling. journal of hydrometeorology, 11, 156-170.

4. tang, q., h. gao, h. lu and d. p. lettenmaier, 2009. remote sensing: hydrology. progress in physical geography, 33, 490-509.

5. tang, q., e. a. rosenberg, and d. p. lettenmaier, 2009. use of satellite data to assess the impacts of irrigation withdrawals on upper klamath lake, oregon. hydrology and earth system sciences, 13, 617-627.

6. tang, q., s. peterson, r. cuenca, y. hagimoto and d. p. lettenmaier, 2009. satellite-based near-real-time estimation of crop water consumption. journal of geophysical research, 114, d05114.

7. tang, q., a.w. wood and d.p. lettenmaier, 2009. real-time precipitation estimation based on index station percentiles. journal of hydrometeorology, 10, 266-277.

8. tang, q., oki, t., kanae, s., hu, h., 2008. hydrological cycles change in the yellow river basin during the last half of the 20th century. journal of climate. 21(8), 1790-1806.

9. tang, q., t. oki, s. kanae, and h. hu, 2008. a spatial analysis of hydroclimatic and vegetation condition trends in the yellow river basin. hydrological processes, 22, 451-458.

10. tang, q., t. oki, s. k

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